Re: Unparseable error with "IF"
Hey @Yahaira Paredes Smartsheet doesn't operate with % symbols in formulas. Percent is only a format for the time being. The formula below should work for you. =IF([2021]@row / [2020]@row - 1 > 1,…1 · -
Re: Converting an Authorization Matrix into an Approval Sequence
Hey @Colin Herrera, Placing the Names Great question. I would approach the approver limit as a fixed variable so it breaks down into dollar columns rather than approval order. For example $10,000, $2…1 · -
Re: Nesting IF & AND statements
Hey Andrew, The AND function should be AND([Due Date]@row < TODAY(), Status@row = "In Progress"). Below is the formula with the correction. =IF(Status@row = "Complete", "B…1 · -
Re: Dynamic Dates
Hey @SjopsonTMO, You can use formulas in the Start Date and End Date cells. Task 1 =[Start Date]1 =DATE(YEAR([Start Date]1), INT(MONTH([Start Date]1) + 3), 1) Task 2 =DATE(YEAR([Start Date]1), INT(MO…1 ·